I love a good Scottish farm wedding so I was excited to photograph Kirsty and Greig's big day on Kirsty's family farm in Angus. The day started off with some bridal prep photography at Kirsty's Parents' house.

They had an impressive Marquee set up for the celebrations. Lots of time and effort had been put in to make the garden look amazing.... we weren't in the garden much... you'll find out why soon!

The girls were having a lovely time getting ready while the boys headed to Carmyllie Parish Church where my second Photographer, Lynne, was waiting to capture them meeting the guests.

Carmyllie Parish Church wedding Angus

It was time for Kirsty to go to meet her soon to be Husband!

It was a great ceremony, the Minister kept everyone amused!

The guests came out into the sunshine to throw some confetti on the newlyweds!

Church wedding angus scotland

We headed back to the farm to take some photos with the beautiful views from their fields.

Black thunder clouds were rolling in so we had around 2 minutes before we all had to make a run for it!

Scottish wedding photography rainy fields angus

Luckily there was plenty of space in the Marquee to shelter the guests during the heavy downpour!

About 2 minutes before they were due to start dinner, the rain went off and I spotted a rainbow across the road. It was too rare an opportunity to miss so we dashed over for a few photos before being called to do speeches.

It turned out to be a nice evening so the guests were able to enjoy the garden at last! Everyone made good use of dance floor that night too :)